This is What I call A PINEAPPLE BOMB. (aka: Pineapple & Watermelon Digestive Enzymatic BOMB!!)Here is how this post came to be
*PROLOGUE*I tell my wise and loving Grandmother I've had Chronic Nausea for 2 weeks straight while sick with a "Severe Illness", but sans vomiting. She keeps me on the phone to make sure I get right to the corner Grocery Store, Fill the Script the Docs prescribed me, and Buy the Hugest Watermelon "with the sweet spot" and as many Pineapples as I can afford. She stays on the phone with me through the checkout into the car (wireless bluetooth = safety), and into the house -- and only when I had opened up that Melon and Pineapple was she satisfied! : ) Thats Loving Care (My Mom thanked her later. I think I may have too. hopefully I did.) I haven't experienced that nausea again.
******************This Tool I picked up one Summer in Hawaii. I LOVE it->EASY INSTRUCTIONS that will bring you Digestive Relief;-Have A Cup Next to Cutting Board to Pour Pineapple's JUICE into : ) YUMM!!!
-Cut off the Top of the Pineapple (the Green leaves are coming out the Top)
-Position Tool Correctly Over Pineapple's Cylindrical Core
-Turn Handle on Tool in a Clockwise Fashion
-Once you feel you have reached the bottom of the pineapple - turn some more, you probably haven't (BUT if it breaks the bottom of pineapple, hurry to Catch it's JUICE in the Cup!)
-Unhook the Handle of the Tool, and once you wiggled it out of pineapple, Turn Upside down (Over a Bowl) to slide the Pineapple Circles into the Bowl Below.
-If you see more Pineapple Pulp at the bottom, just re-use the tool again.
-OR-----> I like to "Wring Out the Pineapple" like a wet rag (Over the Cup), to Get EVERY LAST SUCCULENT DROP OF PINEAPPLE JUICE : ) I Love Fruit Juice & Smoothies
Concluding Instructions for the BOMB:: Make Sure you Eat/&/Drink ALL the PINEAPPLE to YOUrSelf!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if your too sick to put the arm muscle into it (like I was), Tell Your Helper In Advance that you were instructed to eat the Entire Pineapple & it's Juices.
Epilogue: After your Pineapple Bomb, Eat as Much Watermelon as You Can!! This will Clean Out your Intestines, So be resting and ready to move to the bathroom. I always use a good
Fiber Supplement or Eat
Sprouted Bread while "Juicing" as to prevent diarrhea.
PLEASE NOTE: I experienced what I call "When Digestive Enzymes Attack!!!", which was a Tingling sensation on my Tongue and the corners of my mouth. I usually just keep drinking water till it goes away and maybe wipe off my lips. But this last time I fell asleep, and woke up with Chapped&Cracked Corners of my mouth - due to the gnarly Digestive Enzymes!!
I remember reading about the "Zapper" Health Product my family & I use, and it said to make sure to "Move the product's placement if your skin its in contact with starts to itch/tingle - otherwise the pH balance will be affected and you might be left with eroded or ulcerated skin.pH yes, makes so much sense.
Alkaline / Acidity. I'm so glad I've gotten rid of so much acid in my life : )
**~~~~~I have worked in Juice Bars (and managed some) and can't imagine living without even the Cheapest Used Blender. I need some blender, even if its from the goodwill. Luckily, I found a good durable Oster brand one @ Costco UNTIL I can get my Dream which is THE VITAMIX of course. Its true what they say about "Love at First Sight".-
----ANYWAY::::: I am trying to say::: MAKE A Fruit SMOOTHIE!!!! Theyre Delicious! If you dont know what to make, get acquainted with Google and the words "Healthy Shake/Smoothie Recipes"