Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tomato, my favourite food

Tomatoes and me go way back. My mother never had much trouble introducing me to a vegetable or fruit that I didn't like ~ until the tomato. She would bring home tomatoes from the store - but to no avail, I would refuse to eat more than the obligatory bite.

Then ONE Day, at School my grandma and I picked the tomato from our garden.... our hand-planted and grown tomato was DELICIOUS!

from that point on Tomatoes were my All-Time Favourite Food. I bite into them like Apples.

Tonight I broiled some tomatoes that were going bad ~ and they tasted like metal.

Yup, Metal. my tomatoes tasted like METAL.

and I dont have the damn 100% perfect palate to blame extreme & abnormal sensitivity on.....

Its just tragically expensive to buy Organic Heirloom Tomatoes so I end up eating metallic tasting tomatoes.

: /

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Apples & Blackstrap Molasses (Unsulphured)

Today is one of my "Apple" days. Just where I feel like eating Apples all day basically. today that happened out of malaise - I just didn't wanna spend the time to make food so grabbing an apple is SO the better choice until ready to make food : )

SO~ I have been trying to find awesome ways to eat my Molasses because I need those nutrients ; )

I mixed together: Water, Apple Juice, Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar, Fiber (Oat Bran, Acacia, Flax), Molasses, & Stevia.

I was surprised at how good it tasted.

I can never eat *just* apples on my 'apple' days. its just a name ; )

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Salads: Everybody Eat them : )

When you can't remember the last time you've had a Salad ~ well it's time enough right then & there.

This Struck me today - I need a Salad. its been a while, due to an illness & a car accident; but now I'm driving around again & have more energy to chop up veggies for half an hour.

SO even tho I love going overboard on my list of ingredients in my Salads (I make them huge meals!), Its very refreshing to go Simple.

Spinach & Parsley; 4 handfuls chopped in my 'chop chop' salad style
Green Onions, 2
Cherry Tomatoes; 6 halved
Avocado, 1
Oils (Hemp & Flax) & Vinegars (10yrs aged Balsamic & Bragg's Apple Vinegar)
Celtic Sea Salt
Black Pepper

All above are Organic, except for the onions which were on sale.

I LOVE a good knife and a thick block of bamboo wood.

Eating a huge salad drenched with the combo of Healthy Fats & Apple Cider Vinegar (with the Mother!) always satiates my hunger right then... and then kicks my metabolism up a notch and I need to eat again! (as in needing to eat again sooner!)

How I Remedy this: BROWN RICE : )
((((ALWAYS have some cooked brown rice in the fridge ---> I use it as a healthy "fast" food for breakfast/lunch/dinner/dessert.))))))

I would layer my lunch container as follows: Bottom- 1 cup Brown rice layer; Middle- "wet" ingredients (sauces, tomatoes); Top- Lettuce Leaves.

YUM : ) and it helps me go for longer. Every person's body is unique ~ mine works best with Fruits &Vegetables, Complex Carbs, Fats, and Proteins. {That was in Order from MOST Often Used -> Least Used}... Although I always debate on if I have a higher ratio of Fat intake than my Carbs - at least when it comes to Caloric intake. for some reason, I consume a large amount of fats. its like my body craves it, is hungry for it; and feels nourishes afterwards. People are usually aghast when they see me eat multiple Avocados, Coconut Cream/Oil, Nuts, other Oils, etc. but its not like Im piling down the "cooked" fats (french fries) nor the "fake" fats (hydrogenated Trans Fats).

I have read a lot of peoples concepts on 'minimizing' your food intake for optimal health.

I have always eaten masses amounts of food. at least its mostly healthy : )

I also think that when your body is more stressed out - you need more nutrition to make up for the pitfalls. like if your drinking alcohol or coffee ~ or eat that occasional slice of pizza! I always find the need to eat more during those times.

; ) i Love my salads!

Friday, December 10, 2010

the Root of our Health

I believe that EVERY*little*THING matters.

the phrase/concept; Butterfly wings create a hurricane on the other side of the world.

that said, I believe that when you throw your plastic trash on the ground, it will find its way back to YOU. yep,

people think they can just buy "Throw-Away" Plastic Products , and THROW IT AWAY~~thinking that the TRASH will not find its way back to them. Once it goes in the trash, someone else takes care of it, and they are happy to release the conscious thought of where it will go & how it NEVER JUST GOES AWAY.

Plastic does not bio-degrade, it photo-degrades. So the sunlight will break plastics down to itty bitty pieces, but it will Never just Go AWAY.

so, some of you may be asking~~ what does that hippie environmental stuff have to do with me being healthy? well besides the fact spiritual/emotional factor, THOSE PLASTICS END UP IN OUR BODIES. How? our Water Supply. we drink the water. also,

the plankton eat it, the fish eat it. We eat the fish.

watch this video; CBS News coverage of Plastic Beach

Blog from the helpers,scientists, etc @ Midway Island, "Plastic Beach"

Also look at this interactive map to find out about "Garbage Island", which is double the size of Texas.

EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED. heal your earth, heal yourSELF

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

5 Excellent Health Products I Love

Pine Pollen-The gold standard in nutrient-dense meta-foods. (found here)

Harvested in the richest soil of Mongolia, this super-charged elixir contains over 200 bio-active nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that help unlock peak physical and mental health. Pine Pollen has been a staple in Chinese and Korean medicine for more than 2,000 years and has been shown to restore energy, eliminate signs of aging, battle fatigue, and build a strong immune system. Surthrival Pine Pollen can be consumed daily to help restore a healthy endocrine system and balance androgen and estrogen levels.
Informative Video Detailing the nutrients in this Pine Pollen & it's amazingness!

The endocrine system is a collection of glands that produce chemical "messengers" called hormones essential for normal bodily functions. A wide variety of physiological processes are carried out unconsciously by these "messengers". Once released they flow directly into the bloodstream and are transported to organs and tissues throughout the entire body.

Scientists and doctors are now finding maca to be one of the best natural ways to regulate and support endocrine health. This action regulates metabolism, energy levels, growth, sexual development and the sense of well being and attitude.

Thankfully, maca does not contain hormones itself. Instead it provides a unique set of nutrients that directly fuel the endocrine system and help the glands to produce vital hormones in precise dosages predetermined by one's own body. {for benefits go here:

Yacon Root- Organic Yacon Syrup (found here) - (Probiotics)

Yacon is grown in the Andes, thrives in high mountain valleys and produces a dense root system loaded with minerals, vitaminsand complex chemicals. Yacon root is particularly valuable as a health-food because it contains inulin, a complex sugar that the human body does not have the enzymes to break down in the digestive track, while it does promotes healthy probiotics in the colon,. For this reason, it is celebrated as an alternative sweetener for those with sensitivities, hypertension and diabetes

Chia Seeds- Excellent Video; I am pretty baffled how all this information that I thought was underground just popped out onto not just a local news channel, but abc news. and she talks about the amazing book "Born to Run"!!!

Chlorella- super amazing. I get this sourced from my fav supplement: VEGA

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Female Health: our Monthlies

Please be aware that I will be talking open and honestly about the vagina.

Here are My Favourite resources to have a healthy monthly:

I traded in my organic unbleached tampons for this re-usable 'cup'. its wonderful! & saves you $

I prefer to use these reusable pads at night (even tho u can wear the cup for a long time safely)

This is the COOLEST resource! It helps me track my monthly flow. Also helps people who are Trying to get Pregnant (or people like me who always watch to make sure I am still not preggrs)

You can also keep really awesome journals if you prefer to use a pen instead of a keyboard:

You don't need to buy any expensive stainless steel tool, start off with you finger. its free. Oh, these are KEGEL Exercises, which activate the pelvic floor muscles (VERY IMPORTANT!)

And if you do want the toys, my fav Female Sexual Health Links:


the very best educational center probably in the world (its in San Francisco!)

These are also great websites for gender equality:

rachelcherie's Favorites | foodgawker

rachelcherie's Favorites | foodgawker

I LOVE FoodGawker!

: )