Friday, December 10, 2010

the Root of our Health

I believe that EVERY*little*THING matters.

the phrase/concept; Butterfly wings create a hurricane on the other side of the world.

that said, I believe that when you throw your plastic trash on the ground, it will find its way back to YOU. yep,

people think they can just buy "Throw-Away" Plastic Products , and THROW IT AWAY~~thinking that the TRASH will not find its way back to them. Once it goes in the trash, someone else takes care of it, and they are happy to release the conscious thought of where it will go & how it NEVER JUST GOES AWAY.

Plastic does not bio-degrade, it photo-degrades. So the sunlight will break plastics down to itty bitty pieces, but it will Never just Go AWAY.

so, some of you may be asking~~ what does that hippie environmental stuff have to do with me being healthy? well besides the fact spiritual/emotional factor, THOSE PLASTICS END UP IN OUR BODIES. How? our Water Supply. we drink the water. also,

the plankton eat it, the fish eat it. We eat the fish.

watch this video; CBS News coverage of Plastic Beach

Blog from the helpers,scientists, etc @ Midway Island, "Plastic Beach"

Also look at this interactive map to find out about "Garbage Island", which is double the size of Texas.

EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED. heal your earth, heal yourSELF

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