Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tomato, my favourite food

Tomatoes and me go way back. My mother never had much trouble introducing me to a vegetable or fruit that I didn't like ~ until the tomato. She would bring home tomatoes from the store - but to no avail, I would refuse to eat more than the obligatory bite.

Then ONE Day, at School my grandma and I picked the tomato from our garden.... our hand-planted and grown tomato was DELICIOUS!

from that point on Tomatoes were my All-Time Favourite Food. I bite into them like Apples.

Tonight I broiled some tomatoes that were going bad ~ and they tasted like metal.

Yup, Metal. my tomatoes tasted like METAL.

and I dont have the damn 100% perfect palate to blame extreme & abnormal sensitivity on.....

Its just tragically expensive to buy Organic Heirloom Tomatoes so I end up eating metallic tasting tomatoes.

: /

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Apples & Blackstrap Molasses (Unsulphured)

Today is one of my "Apple" days. Just where I feel like eating Apples all day basically. today that happened out of malaise - I just didn't wanna spend the time to make food so grabbing an apple is SO the better choice until ready to make food : )

SO~ I have been trying to find awesome ways to eat my Molasses because I need those nutrients ; )

I mixed together: Water, Apple Juice, Bragg's Apple Cider Vinegar, Fiber (Oat Bran, Acacia, Flax), Molasses, & Stevia.

I was surprised at how good it tasted.

I can never eat *just* apples on my 'apple' days. its just a name ; )

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Salads: Everybody Eat them : )

When you can't remember the last time you've had a Salad ~ well it's time enough right then & there.

This Struck me today - I need a Salad. its been a while, due to an illness & a car accident; but now I'm driving around again & have more energy to chop up veggies for half an hour.

SO even tho I love going overboard on my list of ingredients in my Salads (I make them huge meals!), Its very refreshing to go Simple.

Spinach & Parsley; 4 handfuls chopped in my 'chop chop' salad style
Green Onions, 2
Cherry Tomatoes; 6 halved
Avocado, 1
Oils (Hemp & Flax) & Vinegars (10yrs aged Balsamic & Bragg's Apple Vinegar)
Celtic Sea Salt
Black Pepper

All above are Organic, except for the onions which were on sale.

I LOVE a good knife and a thick block of bamboo wood.

Eating a huge salad drenched with the combo of Healthy Fats & Apple Cider Vinegar (with the Mother!) always satiates my hunger right then... and then kicks my metabolism up a notch and I need to eat again! (as in needing to eat again sooner!)

How I Remedy this: BROWN RICE : )
((((ALWAYS have some cooked brown rice in the fridge ---> I use it as a healthy "fast" food for breakfast/lunch/dinner/dessert.))))))

I would layer my lunch container as follows: Bottom- 1 cup Brown rice layer; Middle- "wet" ingredients (sauces, tomatoes); Top- Lettuce Leaves.

YUM : ) and it helps me go for longer. Every person's body is unique ~ mine works best with Fruits &Vegetables, Complex Carbs, Fats, and Proteins. {That was in Order from MOST Often Used -> Least Used}... Although I always debate on if I have a higher ratio of Fat intake than my Carbs - at least when it comes to Caloric intake. for some reason, I consume a large amount of fats. its like my body craves it, is hungry for it; and feels nourishes afterwards. People are usually aghast when they see me eat multiple Avocados, Coconut Cream/Oil, Nuts, other Oils, etc. but its not like Im piling down the "cooked" fats (french fries) nor the "fake" fats (hydrogenated Trans Fats).

I have read a lot of peoples concepts on 'minimizing' your food intake for optimal health.

I have always eaten masses amounts of food. at least its mostly healthy : )

I also think that when your body is more stressed out - you need more nutrition to make up for the pitfalls. like if your drinking alcohol or coffee ~ or eat that occasional slice of pizza! I always find the need to eat more during those times.

; ) i Love my salads!

Friday, December 10, 2010

the Root of our Health

I believe that EVERY*little*THING matters.

the phrase/concept; Butterfly wings create a hurricane on the other side of the world.

that said, I believe that when you throw your plastic trash on the ground, it will find its way back to YOU. yep,

people think they can just buy "Throw-Away" Plastic Products , and THROW IT AWAY~~thinking that the TRASH will not find its way back to them. Once it goes in the trash, someone else takes care of it, and they are happy to release the conscious thought of where it will go & how it NEVER JUST GOES AWAY.

Plastic does not bio-degrade, it photo-degrades. So the sunlight will break plastics down to itty bitty pieces, but it will Never just Go AWAY.

so, some of you may be asking~~ what does that hippie environmental stuff have to do with me being healthy? well besides the fact spiritual/emotional factor, THOSE PLASTICS END UP IN OUR BODIES. How? our Water Supply. we drink the water. also,

the plankton eat it, the fish eat it. We eat the fish.

watch this video; CBS News coverage of Plastic Beach

Blog from the helpers,scientists, etc @ Midway Island, "Plastic Beach"

Also look at this interactive map to find out about "Garbage Island", which is double the size of Texas.

EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED. heal your earth, heal yourSELF

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

5 Excellent Health Products I Love

Pine Pollen-The gold standard in nutrient-dense meta-foods. (found here)

Harvested in the richest soil of Mongolia, this super-charged elixir contains over 200 bio-active nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that help unlock peak physical and mental health. Pine Pollen has been a staple in Chinese and Korean medicine for more than 2,000 years and has been shown to restore energy, eliminate signs of aging, battle fatigue, and build a strong immune system. Surthrival Pine Pollen can be consumed daily to help restore a healthy endocrine system and balance androgen and estrogen levels.
Informative Video Detailing the nutrients in this Pine Pollen & it's amazingness!

The endocrine system is a collection of glands that produce chemical "messengers" called hormones essential for normal bodily functions. A wide variety of physiological processes are carried out unconsciously by these "messengers". Once released they flow directly into the bloodstream and are transported to organs and tissues throughout the entire body.

Scientists and doctors are now finding maca to be one of the best natural ways to regulate and support endocrine health. This action regulates metabolism, energy levels, growth, sexual development and the sense of well being and attitude.

Thankfully, maca does not contain hormones itself. Instead it provides a unique set of nutrients that directly fuel the endocrine system and help the glands to produce vital hormones in precise dosages predetermined by one's own body. {for benefits go here:

Yacon Root- Organic Yacon Syrup (found here) - (Probiotics)

Yacon is grown in the Andes, thrives in high mountain valleys and produces a dense root system loaded with minerals, vitaminsand complex chemicals. Yacon root is particularly valuable as a health-food because it contains inulin, a complex sugar that the human body does not have the enzymes to break down in the digestive track, while it does promotes healthy probiotics in the colon,. For this reason, it is celebrated as an alternative sweetener for those with sensitivities, hypertension and diabetes

Chia Seeds- Excellent Video; I am pretty baffled how all this information that I thought was underground just popped out onto not just a local news channel, but abc news. and she talks about the amazing book "Born to Run"!!!

Chlorella- super amazing. I get this sourced from my fav supplement: VEGA

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Female Health: our Monthlies

Please be aware that I will be talking open and honestly about the vagina.

Here are My Favourite resources to have a healthy monthly:

I traded in my organic unbleached tampons for this re-usable 'cup'. its wonderful! & saves you $

I prefer to use these reusable pads at night (even tho u can wear the cup for a long time safely)

This is the COOLEST resource! It helps me track my monthly flow. Also helps people who are Trying to get Pregnant (or people like me who always watch to make sure I am still not preggrs)

You can also keep really awesome journals if you prefer to use a pen instead of a keyboard:

You don't need to buy any expensive stainless steel tool, start off with you finger. its free. Oh, these are KEGEL Exercises, which activate the pelvic floor muscles (VERY IMPORTANT!)

And if you do want the toys, my fav Female Sexual Health Links:


the very best educational center probably in the world (its in San Francisco!)

These are also great websites for gender equality:

rachelcherie's Favorites | foodgawker

rachelcherie's Favorites | foodgawker

I LOVE FoodGawker!

: )

Sunday, November 28, 2010

my request for A Pear Pie Recipe

watching Pushing Daisies, and Ned's new slice of Heaven is called

"Pearway to Heaven"!!

Thats amazing.

the holidays & Pies

the combination of the holidays and watching Ned make his delicious pies at The Piehole in "Pushing Daisies" (tv show).

and costco sells icky trans fatty pies. : (

but trader joes is a good compromise. My mom got that one instead. yay! always better when its both tasty and on the healthy side.

Thats the thing about healthy junk food: of course, still only in moderation, and eaten alongside real macronutrients (as to not let blood sugar plummet!)

"Healthy" Junk Food shouldn't be viewed as healthy food substance, but as a healthy substitute for junk foods.

Thats my view.

Anyway, with the double whammy of pies from each side, once my illness subsided I could eat some pie. sparingly. only pumpkin and apple.

What I really love is Cherry Pie. Graham Cracker Crust.

The most delicious pie that I can't wait to try is the "Apple Gruyere pie" from Pushing Daisies

One of my favourite TV shows is Twin Peaks. NOW THEY LOVED THEIR PIE.

: )

Friday, November 26, 2010

Beginners Guide to Yoga

I thought about doing yoga for many years before I actually did it.

the first yoga class I ever attended - when I was a highschool aged nervous wreck - I couldnt sit still (my mind) in meditation, and I left early trying to fight the tears (from frustration?).

I now have my certification from Les Mills, a prestigious World-Wide Exercise Classes/Lifestlye Family Brand. I teach a class called BODYFLOW, which is an hour of tai chi, yoga, and pilates, followed by a guided relaxation.

START NOW. I very seriously favour YOGA //over// Calisthenics. Anyone Can Start Now (Joseph Pilates started it for the bed-ridden in hospitals -- DONT TRY BY YOURSELF, the therapist would used guidance fr0m other medical professionals and also use specialized slings and other sling-like accessories.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Start Meditating - Today : )

Thats my advice. To EVERYONE.

THESE 1 & 2 BOOKS by Noah Levine (Thanks!!! Noah!)changed my POV {Point.Of.View} on Meditation, and made me reconsider trying it.

I went through my self-destructive stage, as most teens do. And Noah Levine helped me see the Light at the End of The dark dank Tunnel.

I have readjusted this head atop my shoulders, so self-destruction doesn't make sense to me anymore. I am now Full of Light (I always have been, I just went through a dim period) and Radiating Positivity. I have a lot to thank for that; Mainly: My Consumption of Lively & Vital Food&Drink, How I Move my Body (Yoga), and How I Move my Mind (thoughts).

Here is a LINK to YogaJournal's Page on Practicing Meditation. Go There! : ) Choose to Have a Good Life & To Be HAPPY!! You Deserve it!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Sun is Healing - and has been worshiped as a Deity

I have been reading this really cool book "Heal Yourself with Sunlight" by Andreas Mortiz.

My personal experience & background on the Subject of Sunlight:

I battled my "Severely Depressed Immune System" for more than 3 months while living in Seattle, WA for my THIRD WINTER. (I previously had no trouble like this).

After hundreds and hundreds of Dollars spent on numerous different Doctors, I finally was seen by the Students of Bastyr College. They did panels on my Bloodwork to discover that my Vitamin D levels were ridiculously low. It should be noted that Every Single Seattle Dr I went to said the exact same thing: "All of my Seattle Patients have a Below-Average Vitamin D Level".

I grew up in The Valley Of The Sun. I hated it, Im Pale as an English Rose and get scorched from the sun, not tan. My father had skin cancer (so has many of my relatives on his side) and my mother was OverProtective in all areas, which included Always Slathering my brother & I in Tons of Sunscreen! SO, I was ALWAYS paranoid/VeryCareful. I applied expensive $60 "wont-clog-your-pores" sunscreen to my face/neck Every Single Day! Unfortunately for me, I also did that throughout my 3 years in Seattle, Washington.

7 months out of the year, Seattle doesn't even receive the normal RAYS which reach us human on earth after its filtered through the atmosphere.

I now LOVINGLY Sunbathe!!! With A Smile on My Face, and NO Worry in my heart/head.
After I stopped Using Sunscreens on a DAILY Basis, my Skin is now less sensitive to the sun, so it burns Less and finally can tan!!!!!


"Dr. Auguste Rollier, Medical doctor and Author was the most famous heliotherapist of his day. At his peack he operated 36 clinics with over 1,000 beds in Leysin, Switzerland. His clinics were situated 5,000 feet above sea level. The intensity of ultraviolet light increases by 4 percent for every 1,000 feet of elevation above sea level." "He followed in the footsteps of the Danish physician Dr. Neils Finsen, who won the Nobel Prize in 1903 for his treatment of TB using ultraviolet light. In a san of 20 years, more than 2,000 cases of surgical (bone and joint) tuberculosis were treated, and more than 80% were discharged as cured at Dr. Rollier's clinics. Rollier found that sunbathing early in the morning, in conjunction with a nutritious diet, produced the best effects". Quoted from the aforementioned book "Heal Yourself with Sunlight"

The Doc recommended to stay out only during the Morning hours if in SUMMER, but during WINTER you can be outside ALL DAY LONG : )

Pineapple "(Digestive)BOMB"!!!!

This is What I call A PINEAPPLE BOMB. (aka: Pineapple & Watermelon Digestive Enzymatic BOMB!!)

Here is how this post came to be *PROLOGUE*

I tell my wise and loving Grandmother I've had Chronic Nausea for 2 weeks straight while sick with a "Severe Illness", but sans vomiting. She keeps me on the phone to make sure I get right to the corner Grocery Store, Fill the Script the Docs prescribed me, and Buy the Hugest Watermelon "with the sweet spot" and as many Pineapples as I can afford. She stays on the phone with me through the checkout into the car (wireless bluetooth = safety), and into the house -- and only when I had opened up that Melon and Pineapple was she satisfied! : ) Thats Loving Care (My Mom thanked her later. I think I may have too. hopefully I did.) I haven't experienced that nausea again. ******************

This Tool I picked up one Summer in Hawaii. I LOVE it->

EASY INSTRUCTIONS that will bring you Digestive Relief;

-Have A Cup Next to Cutting Board to Pour Pineapple's JUICE into : ) YUMM!!!
-Cut off the Top of the Pineapple (the Green leaves are coming out the Top)
-Position Tool Correctly Over Pineapple's Cylindrical Core
-Turn Handle on Tool in a Clockwise Fashion
-Once you feel you have reached the bottom of the pineapple - turn some more, you probably haven't (BUT if it breaks the bottom of pineapple, hurry to Catch it's JUICE in the Cup!)
-Unhook the Handle of the Tool, and once you wiggled it out of pineapple, Turn Upside down (Over a Bowl) to slide the Pineapple Circles into the Bowl Below.
-If you see more Pineapple Pulp at the bottom, just re-use the tool again.
-OR-----> I like to "Wring Out the Pineapple" like a wet rag (Over the Cup), to Get EVERY LAST SUCCULENT DROP OF PINEAPPLE JUICE : ) I Love Fruit Juice & Smoothies

Concluding Instructions for the BOMB:: Make Sure you Eat/&/Drink ALL the PINEAPPLE to YOUrSelf!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if your too sick to put the arm muscle into it (like I was), Tell Your Helper In Advance that you were instructed to eat the Entire Pineapple & it's Juices.

Epilogue: After your Pineapple Bomb, Eat as Much Watermelon as You Can!! This will Clean Out your Intestines, So be resting and ready to move to the bathroom. I always use a good Fiber Supplement or Eat Sprouted Bread while "Juicing" as to prevent diarrhea.

PLEASE NOTE: I experienced what I call "When Digestive Enzymes Attack!!!", which was a Tingling sensation on my Tongue and the corners of my mouth. I usually just keep drinking water till it goes away and maybe wipe off my lips. But this last time I fell asleep, and woke up with Chapped&Cracked Corners of my mouth - due to the gnarly Digestive Enzymes!!

I remember reading about the "Zapper" Health Product my family & I use, and it said to make sure to "Move the product's placement if your skin its in contact with starts to itch/tingle - otherwise the pH balance will be affected and you might be left with eroded or ulcerated skin.

pH yes, makes so much sense. Alkaline / Acidity. I'm so glad I've gotten rid of so much acid in my life : )

**~~~~~I have worked in Juice Bars (and managed some) and can't imagine living without even the Cheapest Used Blender. I need some blender, even if its from the goodwill. Luckily, I found a good durable Oster brand one @ Costco UNTIL I can get my Dream which is THE VITAMIX of course. Its true what they say about "Love at First Sight".-
----ANYWAY::::: I am trying to say::: MAKE A Fruit SMOOTHIE!!!! Theyre Delicious! If you dont know what to make, get acquainted with Google and the words "Healthy Shake/Smoothie Recipes"

Monday, November 15, 2010

How to Subscribe RSS Feed

OK, it was WAY easier than I thought!!!!

All you have to do is go to any RSS Feed READER and copy/paste the Website’s URL into the “Add Subcriptions” bar.

I use Google Reader, which you can use for free here


Thanks everybody for waiting patiently.

Take Care-

Sunday, November 14, 2010

FOOD pics: What I Eat

I LOVE Raw Fruit Salads!
From Food
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I LOVE quick n easy Sprouted Bread products from EZEKIEL Food for Life
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Tomatoes/Salads Are My FAV!!
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I eat big "Rachel Snack-Meals" and if I know I'm going to share, I make DOUBLE the amount shown.
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Dessert Soup
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Grain Dinner, Veg & Soup
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The making of the above Dinner:
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Salmon Dinner
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HOMEMADE Polish Sausage Dinner
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Fish "Steak" Dinner
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Good Morning! Eggs Florentine
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Birthday Bed in Breakfast
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Juicy POM!!!
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Sprouts Grocery Trip
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Fresh n Easy is EASY
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I went Pineapple Crazy!
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What the Vitamin Cabinet looks like
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Snupps the Car Eating his Healthy Raw Food:
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What we use to make the raw food:
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Healthy Ingredients:
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Plant Cleaning Products:
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ALWAYS Look at the Label. This is the most affordable "CLEANEST" Whey protein I have found on the market (Although Whey is too acidic for me, I still have it as backup)
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Complete Protein Guide for Meatless Meals:
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I just want to sit down EVERY PARENT and say to them nicely: "This is NOT Your Fault" (As I GRIT my Teeth), "This is society's fault for your ignorance" "These Imposter foods are poison to your children." I would then go through all the ingredients that look more like its for the Science Lab, not our sick precious children.
From Food